Windows 7 DLL File Information
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Welcome to DLL information site for Windows 7.
This site was built by scanning all DLL files located in system32 directory of Windows 7 release candidate and
creating (with automatic script) a Web page for each DLL with all found infromation.
Each DLL information page includes:
- Version information - product name, company, file desctiption, and so on.
- DLL popularity - Shows you how many DLLs are statically linked to this file.
- List of files that are statically linked to the specified file. Displayed only when the number of files in the list is 10 or less.
- Sections information - Shows you the code and data sections in the DLL.
- Resources information - Displays a summary of resources stored in the DLL (icons, bitmaps, cursors, dialog-boxes, and so on)
- Icons Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all icons stored in the DLL.
- Cursors Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all cursors stored in the DLL.
- Strings information - Displays a list of strings stored in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 strings)
- Diaogbox information - Displays a list of dialog-boxes captions in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 dialog-boxes)
- Static Linking - Displays the list of DLL files that are statically linked to the DLL. When a DLL is loaded the DLL in this Static Linking list are also loaded with it.
- Exports/Imports List - A list of all imported and exported functions.
In order to browse into the right DLL page, select the first letter of the DLL file, and then you'll get a list of all dll files begins with this letter:
Here's the list of all DLL files begin with 'B':
Filename | Description |
BFE.DLL | Base Filtering Engine |
BOOTVID.DLL | VGA Boot Driver |
BWUnpairElevated.dll | BWUnpairElevated Proxy Dll |
BdeHdCfgLib.dll | Windows BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool |
BioCredProv.dll | WinBio Credential Provider |
BlbEvents.dll | Blb Publisher |
BthMtpContextHandler.dll | Bluetooth MTP Context Menu Handler |
basecsp.dll | Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider |
basesrv.dll | Windows NT BASE API Server DLL |
batmeter.dll | Battery Meter Helper DLL |
batt.dll | Battery Class Installer |
bcdprov.dll | Boot Configuration Data WMI Provider |
bcdsrv.dll | Boot Configuration Data COM Server |
bcrypt.dll | Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library |
bcryptprimitives.dll | Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library |
bderepair.dll | BitLocker Drive Encryption: Drive Repair Tool |
bdesvc.dll | BDE Service |
bdeui.dll | Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption User Interface |
bidispl.dll | Bidispl DLL |
biocpl.dll | Biometrics Control Panel |
bitsigd.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service IGD Support |
bitsperf.dll | Perfmon Counter Access |
bitsprx2.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy |
bitsprx3.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service 2.0 Proxy |
bitsprx4.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service 2.5 Proxy |
bitsprx5.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service 3.0 Proxy |
bitsprx6.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service 4.0 Proxy |
blackbox.dll | BlackBox DLL |
blb_ps.dll | Microsoft Block Level Backup proxy/stub |
blbres.dll | Microsoft Block Level Backup Engine Service Resources |
bootres.dll | Boot Resource Library |
bootstr.dll | Boot String Resource Library |
brdgcfg.dll | NWLink IPX Notify Object |
bridgeres.dll | Bridge Resources |
browcli.dll | Browser Service Client DLL |
browser.dll | Computer Browser Service DLL |
browseui.dll | Shell Browser UI Library |
bthci.dll | Bluetooth Class Installer |
bthpanapi.dll | bthpanapi |
bthserv.dll | Bluetooth Support Service |
btpanui.dll | Bluetooth PAN User Interface |