Windows 7 DLL File Information - ulib.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 7, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | File Utilities Support DLL |
File Version: | 6.1.7100.0 (winmain_win7rc.090421-1700) |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Microsoft Windows Operating System |
DLL popularity | Low - 9 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 106 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 440 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 440 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 100,864 Bytes | 92.9% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x0001a000 | 1,536 Bytes | 1.4% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x0001b000 | 1,536 Bytes | 1.4% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x0001c000 | 3,584 Bytes | 3.3% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
ulib.dll is statically linked to the following files:msvcrt.dll
This means that when ulib.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, ulib.dll won't be loaded.
List of files that are statically linked to ulib.dll
This means that when one of the above files is loaded, ulib.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
AVI Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Dialog-Boxes | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
HTML Related Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 2 | 230 Bytes | 0.2% |
Type Libraries | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Manifest | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 3 | 228,004 Bytes | 210.1% |
Total | 5 | 228,234 Bytes | 210.3% |
Icons in this file
No icons found in this file
Cursors in this file
No cursors found in this file
Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)
No dialog resources in this file.
String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)
String ID | String Text |
1000 | Recovered File Fragments |
1001 | Recovered File Fragment - pieces of files found when your disk was scanned. |
COM Classes/Interfaces
There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:class MACHINE MachinePlatform |
class STREAM * __stdcall Get_Standard_Error_Stream(void) |
class STREAM * __stdcall Get_Standard_Input_Stream(void) |
class STREAM * __stdcall Get_Standard_Output_Stream(void) |
const BDSTRING::`vftable' |
const BSTRING::`vftable' |
const DSTRING::`vftable' |
const FSTRING::`vftable' |
const ITERATOR::`vftable' |
const OBJECT::`vftable' |
const WSTRING::`vftable' |
private: static int __stdcall WSTRING::CheckSpace(unsigned short *) |
private: static unsigned char WSTRING::_UseAnsiConversions |
private: static unsigned char WSTRING::_UseAnsiConversionsPrev |
private: static unsigned char WSTRING::_UseConsoleConversions |
private: static unsigned char WSTRING::_UseConsoleConversionsPrev |
private: static unsigned char __stdcall WSTRING::ConvertOemToUnicodeN(unsigned short *,unsigned long,unsigned long *,char *,unsigned long) |
private: static unsigned char __stdcall WSTRING::ConvertUnicodeToOemN(char *,unsigned long,unsigned long *,unsigned short *,unsigned long) |
private: unsigned char __thiscall BYTE_STREAM::FillAndReadByte(unsigned char *) |
private: unsigned char __thiscall DSTRING::SPrintfWorker(unsigned short const *,char *) |
private: unsigned long __thiscall BITVECTOR::ComputeCountSet(void)const |
private: void __thiscall BDSTRING::Construct(void) |
private: void __thiscall DSTRING::Construct(void) |
protected: __thiscall BSTRING::BSTRING(void) |
protected: __thiscall ITERATOR::ITERATOR(void) |
protected: __thiscall OBJECT::OBJECT(void) |
protected: __thiscall PROGRAM::PROGRAM(void) |
protected: __thiscall WSTRING::WSTRING(void) |
protected: void __thiscall BSTRING::Construct(void) |
protected: void __thiscall BSTRING::PutString(char *,unsigned long) |
protected: void __thiscall OBJECT::Construct(void) |
protected: void __thiscall OBJECT::SetClassDescriptor(class CLASS_DESCRIPTOR const *) |
protected: void __thiscall WSTRING::Construct(void) |
protected: void __thiscall WSTRING::PutString(unsigned short *) |
protected: void __thiscall WSTRING::PutString(unsigned short *,unsigned long) |
public: __thiscall ARRAY::ARRAY(void) |
public: __thiscall BDSTRING::BDSTRING(class BDSTRING const &) |
public: __thiscall BDSTRING::BDSTRING(void) |
public: __thiscall BITVECTOR::BITVECTOR(void) |
public: __thiscall BSTRING::BSTRING(class BSTRING const &) |
public: __thiscall BYTE_STREAM::BYTE_STREAM(void) |
public: __thiscall CHKDSK_MESSAGE::CHKDSK_MESSAGE(void) |
public: __thiscall CLASS_DESCRIPTOR::CLASS_DESCRIPTOR(void) |
public: __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::COMM_DEVICE(void) |
public: __thiscall CONT_MEM::CONT_MEM(void) |
public: __thiscall DSTRING::DSTRING(class DSTRING const &) |
public: __thiscall DSTRING::DSTRING(void) |
public: __thiscall FLAG_ARGUMENT::FLAG_ARGUMENT(void) |
public: __thiscall FSN_FILTER::FSN_FILTER(void) |
public: __thiscall FSTRING::FSTRING(class FSTRING const &) |
public: __thiscall FSTRING::FSTRING(void) |
public: __thiscall HMEM::HMEM(void) |
public: __thiscall ITERATOR::ITERATOR(class ITERATOR const &) |
public: __thiscall KEYBOARD::KEYBOARD(void) |
public: __thiscall LIST::LIST(void) |
public: __thiscall LONG_ARGUMENT::LONG_ARGUMENT(void) |
public: __thiscall MACHINE::MACHINE(void) |
public: __thiscall MEM_ALLOCATOR::MEM_ALLOCATOR(void) |
public: __thiscall MEM_BLOCK_MGR::MEM_BLOCK_MGR(void) |
public: __thiscall MESSAGE::MESSAGE(void) |
public: __thiscall MESSAGE_ID_COUNT::MESSAGE_ID_COUNT(void) |
public: __thiscall OBJECT::OBJECT(class OBJECT const &) |
public: __thiscall PATH::PATH(void) |
public: __thiscall PATH_ARGUMENT::PATH_ARGUMENT(void) |
public: __thiscall PRINT_STREAM::PRINT_STREAM(void) |
public: __thiscall SCREEN::SCREEN(void) |
public: __thiscall SORTED_LIST::SORTED_LIST(void) |
public: __thiscall STREAM_MESSAGE::STREAM_MESSAGE(void) |
public: __thiscall STRING_ARGUMENT::STRING_ARGUMENT(void) |
public: __thiscall STRING_ARRAY::STRING_ARRAY(void) |
public: __thiscall TIMEINFO::TIMEINFO(void) |
public: __thiscall WSTRING::WSTRING(class WSTRING const &) |
public: char * __thiscall BSTRING::QuerySTR(unsigned long,unsigned long,char *,unsigned long,unsigned char)const |
public: char * __thiscall WSTRING::QuerySTR(unsigned long,unsigned long,char *,unsigned long,unsigned char)const |
public: class ARRAY * __thiscall FSN_DIRECTORY::QueryFsnodeArray(class FSN_FILTER *)const |
public: class ARRAY * __thiscall PATH::QueryComponentArray(class ARRAY *)const |
public: class BDSTRING & __thiscall BDSTRING::operator=(class BDSTRING const &) |
public: class BSTRING & __thiscall BSTRING::operator=(class BSTRING const &) |
public: class CLASS_DESCRIPTOR const * __thiscall OBJECT::GetClassDescriptor(void)const |
public: class DSTRING & __thiscall DSTRING::operator=(class DSTRING const &) |
public: class FILE_STREAM * __thiscall FSN_FILE::QueryStream(enum STREAMACCESS,unsigned long) |
public: class FSNODE * __thiscall FSN_DIRECTORY::GetNext(void * *,unsigned long *) |
public: class FSN_DIRECTORY * __thiscall FSN_DIRECTORY::CreateDirectoryPath(class PATH const *)const |
public: class FSTRING & __thiscall FSTRING::operator=(class FSTRING const &) |
public: class ITERATOR & __thiscall ITERATOR::operator=(class ITERATOR const &) |
public: class OBJECT & __thiscall OBJECT::operator=(class OBJECT const &) |
public: class OBJECT * __thiscall ARRAY::OrderedSearch(class OBJECT *,void * *) |
public: class PATH * __thiscall PATH::QueryFullPath(void)const |
public: class PATH * __thiscall PATH::QueryMountPointPath(void) |
public: class PATH * __thiscall PATH::QueryPath(void)const |
public: class PATH * __thiscall PATH::QueryWCExpansion(class PATH *) |
public: class WSTRING & __thiscall WSTRING::operator=(class WSTRING const &) |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall ARGUMENT::GetLexeme(void) |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall ARGUMENT::GetPattern(void) |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::GetLexemeAt(unsigned long) |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::QueryInvalidArgument(void) |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall FSTRING::Initialize(unsigned short *,unsigned long) |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall PATH::QueryFullPathString(void)const |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall PATH::QueryGuidString(class WSTRING *,unsigned char *,class WSTRING *) |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall PATH::QueryRoot(void) |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall WSTRING::QueryString(unsigned long,unsigned long)const |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall WSTRING::Strlwr(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall WSTRING::Strlwr(void) |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall WSTRING::Strupr(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: class WSTRING * __thiscall WSTRING::Strupr(void) |
public: enum PATH_ANALYZE_CODE __thiscall PATH::AnalyzePath(class WSTRING *,class PATH *,class WSTRING *) |
public: int * __thiscall KEYBOARD::GetPFlagBreak(void)const |
public: long __thiscall WSTRING::Strcmp(class WSTRING const *)const |
public: long __thiscall WSTRING::Strcmp(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long)const |
public: long __thiscall WSTRING::Strcmp(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long)const |
public: long __thiscall WSTRING::Stricmp(class WSTRING const *)const |
public: long __thiscall WSTRING::Stricmp(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long)const |
public: long __thiscall WSTRING::Stricmp(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long)const |
public: static char * __stdcall MBSTR::CharNextW(char *) |
public: static char * __stdcall MBSTR::Strstr(char *,char *) |
public: static class FILE_STREAM * __stdcall FILE_STREAM::Cast(class OBJECT const *) |
public: static class FSN_DIRECTORY * __stdcall SYSTEM::MakeDirectory(class PATH const *,class PATH const *,enum _COPY_ERROR *,unsigned long (__stdcall*)(union _LARGE_INTEGER,union _LARGE_INTEGER,union _LARGE_INTEGER,union _LARGE_INTEGER,unsigned long,unsigned long,void *,void *,void *),void *,int *,unsigned long) |
public: static class FSN_DIRECTORY * __stdcall SYSTEM::QueryDirectory(class PATH const *,unsigned char) |
public: static class FSN_FILE * __stdcall SYSTEM::MakeFile(class PATH const *) |
public: static class FSN_FILE * __stdcall SYSTEM::MakeTemporaryFile(class WSTRING const *,class PATH const *) |
public: static class FSN_FILE * __stdcall SYSTEM::QueryFile(class PATH const *,unsigned char,unsigned char *) |
public: static class KEYBOARD * __stdcall KEYBOARD::Cast(class OBJECT const *) |
public: static class OBJECT * __stdcall ARRAY::GetCompareArgument(void *) |
public: static class PATH * __stdcall SYSTEM::QuerySystemDirectory(void) |
public: static class PATH * __stdcall SYSTEM::SearchPathW(class WSTRING *,class WSTRING *) |
public: static class SCREEN * __stdcall SCREEN::Cast(class OBJECT const *) |
public: static class WSTRING * __stdcall SYSTEM::QueryEnvironmentVariable(class WSTRING const *) |
public: static class WSTRING * __stdcall SYSTEM::QueryVolumeLabel(class PATH *,struct _VOL_SERIAL_NUMBER *) |
public: static enum DRIVE_TYPE __stdcall SYSTEM::QueryDriveType(class WSTRING const *) |
public: static enum FILE_TYPE __stdcall SYSTEM::QueryFileType(class WSTRING const *) |
public: static int (__stdcall*__stdcall SYSTEM::QueryLibraryEntryPoint(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,void * *))(void) |
public: static int (__stdcall*__stdcall SYSTEM::QueryNextLibraryEntryPoint(void *,class WSTRING const *))(void) |
public: static int __stdcall MBSTR::Strcmpis(char *,char *) |
public: static int __stdcall MBSTR::Strcmps(char *,char *) |
public: static int __stdcall MBSTR::Stricmp(char *,char *) |
public: static int __stdcall WSTRING::Strcmp(unsigned short *,unsigned short *) |
public: static int __stdcall WSTRING::Strcmpis(unsigned short *,unsigned short *) |
public: static int __stdcall WSTRING::Strcmps(unsigned short *,unsigned short *) |
public: static int __stdcall WSTRING::Stricmp(unsigned short *,unsigned short *) |
public: static unsigned __int64 __stdcall MESSAGE::MakeFileToken(char const *) |
public: static unsigned char __cdecl BASE_SYSTEM::QueryResourceString(class WSTRING *,unsigned long,char const *,...) |
public: static unsigned char __cdecl SQMEXPORT::FileExport(void *,unsigned long,unsigned char,char *,...) |
public: static unsigned char __cdecl SQMEXPORT::SqmExport(void *,unsigned long,unsigned char,char *,...) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall BASE_SYSTEM::QueryResourceStringV(class WSTRING *,unsigned long,char const *,char *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall KEYBOARD::DisableBreakHandling(void) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall KEYBOARD::EnableBreakHandling(void) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall KEYBOARD::GotABreak(void) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall SQMEXPORT::UploadSqmFromFile(void *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall SYSTEM::GetFileSecurityBackup(class PATH const *,unsigned long,struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *,unsigned long *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall SYSTEM::IsCorrectVersion(void) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall SYSTEM::QueryCurrentDosDriveName(class WSTRING *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall SYSTEM::QueryLocalTimeFromUTime(class TIMEINFO const *,class TIMEINFO *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall SYSTEM::QueryWindowsErrorMessage(unsigned long,class WSTRING *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall SYSTEM::RemoveNode(class FSNODE * *,unsigned char) |
public: static unsigned short * __stdcall WSTRING::SkipWhite(unsigned short *) |
public: static void __stdcall PROGRAM::ExitProgram(unsigned long) |
public: static void __stdcall SYSTEM::DisplaySystemError(unsigned long,int) |
public: static void __stdcall SYSTEM::FreeLibraryHandle(void *) |
public: static void __stdcall WSTRING::ResetConversions(void) |
public: static void __stdcall WSTRING::SetAnsiConversions(void) |
public: static void __stdcall WSTRING::SetConsoleConversions(void) |
public: static void __stdcall WSTRING::SetOemConversions(void) |
public: unsigned char __cdecl MESSAGE::Display(char const *,...) |
public: unsigned char __cdecl MESSAGE::DisplayMsg(unsigned long,char const *,...) |
public: unsigned char __cdecl MESSAGE::DisplayMsg(unsigned long,enum MESSAGE_TYPE,unsigned long,char const *,...) |
public: unsigned char __cdecl MESSAGE::Log(char const *,...) |
public: unsigned char __cdecl MESSAGE::LogMsg(unsigned long,char const *,...) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall ARGUMENT::IsValueSet(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::DoParsing(class ARRAY *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::Initialize(class ARRAY *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::PrepareToParse(class WSTRING *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall ARRAY::Initialize(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall ARRAY::Insert(class OBJECT *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall ARRAY::OrderedInsert(class OBJECT *,void * *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall BITVECTOR::Initialize(unsigned long,enum BIT,unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall BSTRING::Initialize(char const *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall BSTRING::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall BSTRING::ReplaceWithChars(unsigned long,unsigned long,char,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall BYTE_STREAM::Initialize(class STREAM *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall CHKDSK_MESSAGE::Initialize(class STREAM *,class STREAM *,class STREAM *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall CLASS_DESCRIPTOR::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::CommitState(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::Initialize(class PATH const *,unsigned char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::QueryTimeOut(void)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::SetBaudRate(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::SetDataBits(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::SetDtrControl(enum DTR_CONTROL) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::SetIdsr(unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::SetOcts(unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::SetOdsr(unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::SetParity(enum PARITY) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::SetRtsControl(enum RTS_CONTROL) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::SetStopBits(enum STOPBITS) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::SetTimeOut(unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::SetXon(unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall CONT_MEM::Initialize(void *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FILE_STREAM::ReadAt(unsigned char *,unsigned long,__int64,enum SEEKORIGIN,unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FLAG_ARGUMENT::Initialize(char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FLAG_ARGUMENT::Initialize(class WSTRING *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSNODE::SetAttributes(unsigned long,unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSNODE::UseAlternateName(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSNODE::WorkOnReparsePoint(unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSN_DIRECTORY::DeleteDirectory(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSN_DIRECTORY::IsEmpty(void)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSN_DIRECTORY::Traverse(void *,class FSN_FILTER *,class PATH *,unsigned char (__stdcall*)(void *,class FSNODE *,class PATH *))const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSN_FILE::Copy(class PATH *,enum _COPY_ERROR *,unsigned long,unsigned long (__stdcall*)(union _LARGE_INTEGER,union _LARGE_INTEGER,union _LARGE_INTEGER,union _LARGE_INTEGER,unsigned long,unsigned long,void *,void *,void *),void *,int *)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSN_FILTER::DoesNodeMatch(class FSNODE *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSN_FILTER::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSN_FILTER::SetAttributes(unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSN_FILTER::SetFileName(char const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSN_FILTER::SetFileName(class WSTRING const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FSN_FILTER::SetTimeInfo(class TIMEINFO const *,enum FSN_TIME,unsigned short) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall HMEM::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall HMEM::Resize(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall KEYBOARD::DisableLineMode(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall KEYBOARD::EnableLineMode(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall KEYBOARD::Flush(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall KEYBOARD::Initialize(unsigned char,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall KEYBOARD::IsKeyAvailable(unsigned char *)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall LIST::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall LIST::Insert(class OBJECT *,class ITERATOR *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall LONG_ARGUMENT::Initialize(char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MACHINE::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MACHINE::IsFMR(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MACHINE::IsPCAT(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MEM_ALLOCATOR::Initialize(unsigned __int64,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MEM_BLOCK_MGR::Free(void *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MEM_BLOCK_MGR::Initialize(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::DisplayMsg(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::DisplayMsg(unsigned long,enum MESSAGE_TYPE,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::DumpDataToLog(void *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::IsLoggingEnabled(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::LogMessage(class WSTRING const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::LogMsg(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::QueryNextLoggedMessage(class FSTRING *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::QueryPackedLog(class HMEM *,unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MULTIPLE_PATH_ARGUMENT::Initialize(char *,unsigned char,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall OBJECT::IsSameClass(class OBJECT const *)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall OBJECT::IsSameObject(class OBJECT const *)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::AppendBase(class WSTRING const *,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::AppendDelimiter(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::AppendString(class WSTRING const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::EndsWithDelimiter(void)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::HasWildCard(void)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::Initialize(class PATH const *,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::Initialize(unsigned short const *,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::IsDrive(void)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::IsGuidVolName(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::ModifyName(class WSTRING const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::SetDevice(class WSTRING const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::SetName(class WSTRING const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::TruncateBase(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH_ARGUMENT::Initialize(char *,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PRINT_STREAM::Initialize(class PATH const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall PROGRAM::Initialize(unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall REST_OF_LINE_ARGUMENT::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SCREEN::ChangeScreenSize(unsigned short,unsigned short,unsigned char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SCREEN::EraseScreen(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SCREEN::EraseScreenAndResetAttribute(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SCREEN::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SCREEN::MoveCursorTo(unsigned short,unsigned short) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SCREEN::SetCodePage(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SCREEN::SetOutputCodePage(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SORTED_LIST::Initialize(unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall STREAM::ReadLine(class WSTRING *,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall STREAM::ReadMbLine(char *,unsigned long,unsigned long *,unsigned char,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall STREAM::ReadWLine(unsigned short *,unsigned long,unsigned long *,unsigned char,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall STREAM::WriteByte(unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall STREAM_MESSAGE::Initialize(class STREAM *,class STREAM *,class STREAM *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall STRING_ARGUMENT::Initialize(char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall STRING_ARRAY::Initialize(unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SVILOGFILES::DeleteOldest(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SVILOGFILES::GetHandleNewLogFile(void * *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SVILOGFILES::Initialize(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SVILOGFILES::NewLogFileName(class WSTRING *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SVILOGFILES::ShiftLogs(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall TIMEINFO::ConvertToLocal(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall TIMEINFO::ConvertToUTC(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall TIMEINFO::Initialize(struct _FILETIME *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall TIMEINFO::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall TIMEINFO::QueryDate(class WSTRING *)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall TIMEINFO::QueryTime(class WSTRING *)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall TIMEINFO::operator<(class TIMEINFO)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall TIMEINFO::operator>(class TIMEINFO)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall TIMEINFO_ARGUMENT::Initialize(char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Initialize(char const *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Initialize(long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Initialize(unsigned short const *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::InsertString(unsigned long,class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::QueryNumber(long *,unsigned long,unsigned long)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Replace(unsigned long,unsigned long,class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::ReplaceWithChars(unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned short,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Split(class ARRAY *,class WSTRING const *,unsigned char)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Strcat(class WSTRING const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Strcat(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::operator!=(class WSTRING const &)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::operator<(class WSTRING const &)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::operator<=(class WSTRING const &)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::operator==(class WSTRING const &)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::operator>(class WSTRING const &)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::operator>=(class WSTRING const &)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall BITVECTOR::SetSize(unsigned long,enum BIT) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall BSTRING::NextChar(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall BSTRING::QueryChCount(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall BSTRING::Strchr(char,unsigned long)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall OBJECT::QueryClassId(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall SCREEN::QueryCodePage(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall WSTRING::QueryByteCount(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall WSTRING::QueryChCount(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall WSTRING::Strchr(unsigned short,unsigned long)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall WSTRING::Strcspn(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall WSTRING::Strrchr(unsigned short,unsigned long)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall WSTRING::Strspn(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall WSTRING::Strstr(class WSTRING const *)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall WSTRING::SyncLength(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall WSTRING::Truncate(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned short * __thiscall WSTRING::QueryWSTR(unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned short *,unsigned long,unsigned char)const |
public: unsigned short __thiscall WSTRING::QueryChAt(unsigned long)const |
public: unsigned short __thiscall WSTRING::SetChAt(unsigned short,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall WSTRING::GetWSTR(void)const |
public: virtual __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::~ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall ARRAY::~ARRAY(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall BDSTRING::~BDSTRING(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall BITVECTOR::~BITVECTOR(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall BSTRING::~BSTRING(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall BYTE_STREAM::~BYTE_STREAM(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall CHKDSK_MESSAGE::~CHKDSK_MESSAGE(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall COMM_DEVICE::~COMM_DEVICE(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall DSTRING::~DSTRING(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall FSN_FILTER::~FSN_FILTER(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall FSTRING::~FSTRING(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall HMEM::~HMEM(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall ITERATOR::~ITERATOR(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall LIST::~LIST(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall MEM_ALLOCATOR::~MEM_ALLOCATOR(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall MEM_BLOCK_MGR::~MEM_BLOCK_MGR(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall MESSAGE::~MESSAGE(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall MESSAGE_ID_COUNT::~MESSAGE_ID_COUNT(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall MULTIPLE_PATH_ARGUMENT::~MULTIPLE_PATH_ARGUMENT(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall OBJECT::~OBJECT(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall PATH::~PATH(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall PATH_ARGUMENT::~PATH_ARGUMENT(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall PRINT_STREAM::~PRINT_STREAM(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall PROGRAM::~PROGRAM(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall SCREEN::~SCREEN(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall SORTED_LIST::~SORTED_LIST(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall STREAM_MESSAGE::~STREAM_MESSAGE(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall STRING_ARGUMENT::~STRING_ARGUMENT(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall TIMEINFO_ARGUMENT::~TIMEINFO_ARGUMENT(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall WSTRING::~WSTRING(void) |
public: virtual class ITERATOR * __thiscall ARRAY::QueryIterator(void)const |
public: virtual class ITERATOR * __thiscall LIST::QueryIterator(void)const |
public: virtual class ITERATOR * __thiscall SORTED_LIST::QueryIterator(void)const |
public: virtual class OBJECT * __thiscall ARRAY::GetAt(unsigned long)const |
public: virtual class OBJECT * __thiscall ARRAY::Remove(class ITERATOR *) |
public: virtual class OBJECT * __thiscall ARRAY::RemoveAt(unsigned long) |
public: virtual class OBJECT * __thiscall ITERATOR::FindNext(class OBJECT const *) |
public: virtual class STREAM * __thiscall PROGRAM::GetStandardError(void) |
public: virtual class STREAM * __thiscall PROGRAM::GetStandardInput(void) |
public: virtual class STREAM * __thiscall PROGRAM::GetStandardOutput(void) |
public: virtual long __thiscall OBJECT::Compare(class OBJECT const *)const |
public: virtual unsigned char __cdecl DSTRING::SPrintf(unsigned short const *,...) |
public: virtual unsigned char __cdecl DSTRING::SPrintfAppend(unsigned short const *,...) |
public: virtual unsigned char __cdecl FSTRING::SPrintf(unsigned short const *,...) |
public: virtual unsigned char __cdecl FSTRING::SPrintfAppend(unsigned short const *,...) |
public: virtual unsigned char __cdecl PROGRAM::DisplayMessage(unsigned long,enum MESSAGE_TYPE,char *,...)const |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall ARRAY::DeleteAllMembers(void) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall ARRAY::Put(class OBJECT *) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall ARRAY::Sort(int (__cdecl*)(void *,void *)) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall ARRAY::Sort(unsigned char) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall BDSTRING::NewBuf(unsigned long) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall BDSTRING::Resize(unsigned long) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall CHKDSK_MESSAGE::IsYesResponse(unsigned char) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall CHKDSK_MESSAGE::Set(unsigned long,enum MESSAGE_TYPE,unsigned long) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall CHKDSK_MESSAGE::SqmExport(unsigned char (__cdecl*)(void *,unsigned long,unsigned char,char *,...),void *) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall DSTRING::NewBuf(unsigned long) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall DSTRING::Resize(unsigned long) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall FSTRING::NewBuf(unsigned long) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall FSTRING::Resize(unsigned long) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall LIST::Put(class OBJECT *) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::IsInAutoChk(void) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::IsInSetup(void) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::IsKeyPressed(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::IsSuppressedMessage(unsigned char) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::IsYesResponse(unsigned char) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::QueryStringInput(class WSTRING *) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::SetDotsOnly(unsigned char) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::WaitForUserSignal(void) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall PROGRAM::DisplayMessage(unsigned long,enum MESSAGE_TYPE)const |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall SEQUENTIAL_CONTAINER::DeleteAllMembers(void) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall SORTED_LIST::DeleteAllMembers(void) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall SORTED_LIST::Put(class OBJECT *) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall STREAM_MESSAGE::IsYesResponse(unsigned char) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall STREAM_MESSAGE::Set(unsigned long,enum MESSAGE_TYPE,unsigned long) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall STRING_ARRAY::Sort(unsigned char) |
public: virtual unsigned long __cdecl MESSAGE::SelectResponse(unsigned long,...) |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall ARRAY::QueryMemberCount(void)const |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall LIST::QueryMemberCount(void)const |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall SORTED_LIST::QueryMemberCount(void)const |
public: virtual void * __thiscall CONT_MEM::Acquire(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: virtual void * __thiscall HMEM::Acquire(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: virtual void __cdecl PROGRAM::Fatal(unsigned long,unsigned long,char *,...)const |
public: virtual void __thiscall KEYBOARD::DoNotRestoreConsoleMode(void) |
public: virtual void __thiscall PROGRAM::Fatal(void)const |
public: virtual void __thiscall PROGRAM::Usage(void)const |
public: virtual void __thiscall PROGRAM::ValidateVersion(unsigned long,unsigned long)const |
public: void * __thiscall MEM_ALLOCATOR::Allocate(unsigned long) |
public: void * __thiscall MEM_BLOCK_MGR::Alloc(void) |
public: void __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::PutMultipleSwitch(char const *) |
public: void __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::PutMultipleSwitch(class WSTRING const *) |
public: void __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::PutSeparators(char const *) |
public: void __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::PutSwitches(char const *) |
public: void __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::PutSwitches(class WSTRING const *) |
public: void __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::SetAllowSwitchGlomming(unsigned char) |
public: void __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::SetCaseSensitive(unsigned char) |
public: void __thiscall ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER::SetNoSpcBetweenDstAndSwitch(unsigned char) |
public: void __thiscall BITVECTOR::ResetBit(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: void __thiscall BITVECTOR::SetBit(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: void __thiscall BSTRING::DeleteChAt(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: void __thiscall MESSAGE::Lock(void) |
public: void __thiscall MESSAGE::ResetLoggingIterator(void) |
public: void __thiscall MESSAGE::SetLoggingEnabled(unsigned char) |
public: void __thiscall MESSAGE::Unlock(void) |
public: void __thiscall PATH::TruncateDelimiter(void) |
public: void __thiscall PATH::TruncateNameAtColon(void) |
public: void __thiscall SCREEN::QueryScreenSize(unsigned short *,unsigned short *,unsigned short *,unsigned short *)const |
public: void __thiscall TIMEINFO::Initialize(class TIMEINFO const *) |
public: void __thiscall WSTRING::DeleteChAt(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
unsigned char __stdcall Export(class ARRAY *,unsigned char (__cdecl*)(void *,unsigned long,unsigned char,char *,...),void *) |
void * __stdcall FindFirstFileW(class PATH const *,struct _WIN32_FIND_DATAW *) |
void * __stdcall UlibRealloc(void *,unsigned long) |
void __stdcall TrackMsgId(class ARRAY *,unsigned long) |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- msvcrt.dll:
_XcptFilter __dllonexit _amsg_exit _except_handler4_common _initterm _lock _onexit _snwprintf_s _unlock _vsnprintf _vsnwprintf _wcsicmp _wcslwr _wcsupr _wsetlocale _wtoi64 _wtol free isalpha isdigit isprint isspace iswspace malloc mbtowc memcpy memmove memset qsort strchr strcspn toupper towupper wcschr wcscspn wcsncmp wcsrchr wcsspn wcsstr wctomb wprintf - ntdll.dll:
NtClose NtCreateFile NtDelayExecution NtDeleteFile NtOpenFile NtQueryInformationFile NtQuerySecurityObject NtReadFile NtSetInformationFile RtlAdjustPrivilege RtlAllocateHeap RtlCreateSystemVolumeInformationFolder RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName_U RtlFreeAnsiString RtlFreeHeap RtlInitUnicodeString RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN RtlNtStatusToDosError RtlOemToUnicodeN RtlPrefixUnicodeString RtlReleaseRelativeName RtlSizeHeap RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN RtlUnicodeToOemN WinSqmAddToStreamEx WinSqmEndSession WinSqmSetDWORD WinSqmSetDWORD64 WinSqmSetString WinSqmStartSession - KERNEL32.dll:
CloseHandle CompareFileTime CompareStringW CreateDirectoryW CreateFileMappingW CreateFileW DeleteFileW DeleteVolumeMountPointW DeviceIoControl DisableThreadLibraryCalls ExitProcess FileTimeToLocalFileTime FileTimeToSystemTime FillConsoleOutputAttribute FillConsoleOutputCharacterW FindClose FindFirstFileW FindFirstVolumeMountPointW FindNextFileW FindNextVolumeMountPointW FindVolumeMountPointClose FlushConsoleInputBuffer FormatMessageW FreeLibrary GetCommState GetCommTimeouts GetCommandLineW GetConsoleCP GetConsoleMode GetConsoleOutputCP GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThreadId GetDateFormatW GetDriveTypeW GetEnvironmentVariableW GetFileAttributesW GetFileInformationByHandleEx GetFileType GetFullPathNameW GetLargestConsoleWindowSize GetLastError GetModuleHandleW GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents GetProcAddress GetStdHandle GetSystemDirectoryW GetSystemTime GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetTempFileNameW GetTempPathW GetTickCount GetTimeFormatW GetVolumeInformationW GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW GlobalFree InterlockedCompareExchange InterlockedDecrement InterlockedExchange IsDBCSLeadByte LoadLibraryW LocalAlloc LocalFileTimeToFileTime LocalFree MapViewOfFile MoveFileW MultiByteToWideChar OpenConsoleW PeekConsoleInputW PrivCopyFileExW QueryPerformanceCounter ReadFile RegCloseKey RegOpenKeyExW RegQueryValueExW RemoveDirectoryW SearchPathW SetCommState SetCommTimeouts SetConsoleCP SetConsoleCtrlHandler SetConsoleCursorPosition SetConsoleMode SetConsoleOutputCP SetConsoleScreenBufferSize SetConsoleWindowInfo SetErrorMode SetFileAttributesW SetFileInformationByHandle SetFilePointerEx SetFileTime SetLastError SetThreadUILanguage SetUnhandledExceptionFilter Sleep SystemTimeToFileTime TerminateProcess UnhandledExceptionFilter UnmapViewOfFile WideCharToMultiByte WriteConsoleW WriteFile - USER32.dll:
CharUpperW - ADVAPI32.dll: