Windows 7 DLL File Information - ifsutil.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 7, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | IFS Utility DLL |
File Version: | 6.1.7100.0 (winmain_win7rc.090421-1700) |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Microsoft Windows Operating System |
DLL popularity | Low - 7 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 145 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 266 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 266 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 139,264 Bytes | 93.5% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x00023000 | 1,536 Bytes | 1.0% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x00024000 | 1,024 Bytes | 0.7% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x00025000 | 6,144 Bytes | 4.1% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
ifsutil.dll is statically linked to the following files:msvcrt.dll
This means that when ifsutil.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, ifsutil.dll won't be loaded.
List of files that are statically linked to ifsutil.dll
This means that when one of the above files is loaded, ifsutil.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
AVI Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Dialog-Boxes | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
HTML Related Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Type Libraries | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Manifest | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 1 | 888 Bytes | 0.6% |
Total | 1 | 888 Bytes | 0.6% |
Icons in this file
No icons found in this file
Cursors in this file
No cursors found in this file
Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)
No dialog resources in this file.
String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)
No string resources in this file.
COM Classes/Interfaces
There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:int __stdcall DiskCopyMainLoop(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,unsigned char,class MESSAGE *,class MESSAGE *) |
private: __thiscall SNAPSHOT::SNAPSHOT(void) |
private: unsigned char __thiscall SNAPSHOT::Initialize(unsigned short *) |
private: virtual __thiscall SNAPSHOT::~SNAPSHOT(void) |
protected: __thiscall SUPERAREA::SUPERAREA(void) |
protected: __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::VOL_LIODPDRV(void) |
protected: enum FORMAT_ERROR_CODE __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,class SUPERAREA *,class MESSAGE *,unsigned char,unsigned char,enum _MEDIA_TYPE,unsigned short,unsigned char,unsigned int,unsigned char) |
protected: unsigned char __thiscall SUPERAREA::Initialize(class MEM *,class LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE *,unsigned long,class MESSAGE *) |
protected: unsigned char __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,class SUPERAREA *,class MESSAGE *,unsigned char) |
public: __thiscall BLOCK_CACHE::BLOCK_CACHE(void) |
public: __thiscall CANNED_SECURITY::CANNED_SECURITY(void) |
public: __thiscall DIGRAPH::DIGRAPH(void) |
public: __thiscall DIGRAPH_EDGE::DIGRAPH_EDGE(void) |
public: __thiscall DP_DRIVE::DP_DRIVE(void) |
public: __thiscall INTSTACK::INTSTACK(void) |
public: __thiscall LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE::LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE(void) |
public: __thiscall MOUNT_POINT_MAP::MOUNT_POINT_MAP(void) |
public: __thiscall MOUNT_POINT_TUPLE::MOUNT_POINT_TUPLE(void) |
public: __thiscall NUMBER_SET::NUMBER_SET(void) |
public: __thiscall POW_CACHE::POW_CACHE(void) |
public: __thiscall POW_TRACK::POW_TRACK(void) |
public: __thiscall READ_AHEAD_CACHE::READ_AHEAD_CACHE(void) |
public: __thiscall READ_CACHE::READ_CACHE(void) |
public: __thiscall READ_WRITE_CACHE::READ_WRITE_CACHE(void) |
public: __thiscall SECRUN::SECRUN(void) |
public: __thiscall SPARSE_SET::SPARSE_SET(void) |
public: __thiscall TLINK::TLINK(void) |
public: __thiscall WRITE_ONCE_CACHE::WRITE_ONCE_CACHE(void) |
public: class BIG_INT & __thiscall TLINK::GetData(unsigned short) |
public: class BIG_INT & __thiscall TLINK::GetData(void *) |
public: class BIG_INT & __thiscall TLINK::GetNextDataSlot(void) |
public: class BIG_INT __thiscall INTSTACK::Look(unsigned long)const |
public: class BIG_INT __thiscall NUMBER_SET::QueryNumber(class BIG_INT)const |
public: class IO_DP_DRIVE * __thiscall SECRUN::GetDrive(void) |
public: class IO_DP_DRIVE * __thiscall SUPERAREA::GetDrive(void) |
public: class MEDIA_TRACK_INFORMATION * __thiscall MEDIA_TRACK_INFORMATION::CreateTrack(unsigned long,unsigned char) |
public: class MESSAGE * __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::GetMessageW(void) |
public: class MESSAGE * __thiscall SUPERAREA::GetMessageW(void) |
public: enum DRIVE_TYPE __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryDriveType(void)const |
public: enum FORMAT_ERROR_CODE __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::Format(class WSTRING const *,class MESSAGE *,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: enum _MEDIA_TYPE __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryRecommendedMediaType(void)const |
public: static class CANNED_SECURITY * __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::GetCannedSecurity(void) |
public: static long __stdcall DP_DRIVE::QueryNtfsSupportInfo(void *,unsigned char *) |
public: static long __stdcall SUPERAREA::GenerateLabelNotification(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING *,struct _FILE_FS_SIZE_INFORMATION *,struct _FILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall AUTOREG::AddEntry(class WSTRING const *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall AUTOREG::DeleteEntry(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall AUTOREG::DeleteEntry(class WSTRING const *,unsigned char) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall AUTOREG::IsEntryPresent(class WSTRING const *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall AUTOREG::IsEntryPresent(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall AUTOREG::IsFrontEndPresent(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall AUTOREG::PushEntry(class WSTRING const *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall DP_DRIVE::QueryFreeBlocksInLastTrack(void *,unsigned long *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall DP_DRIVE::QueryMrwSupport(void *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::CheckValidSecurityDescriptor(unsigned long,struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::DismountVolume(class WSTRING const *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::DosDriveNameToNtDriveName(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::EnableFileSystem(class WSTRING const *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::EnableVolumeCompression(class WSTRING const *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::EnableVolumeUpgrade(class WSTRING const *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::FileSetAttributes(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,unsigned long *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::FormatScaleTotalFreeClusters(unsigned __int64,unsigned __int64,unsigned long *,unsigned long *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned __int64 *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::IsArcSystemPartition(class WSTRING const *,unsigned char *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::IsFileSystemEnabled(class WSTRING const *,unsigned char *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::IsThisNtfs(class BIG_INT,unsigned long,void *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::IsThisUdf(class LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::IsVolumeDirty(class WSTRING *,unsigned char *,unsigned char *,long *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::NtDriveNameToDosDriveName(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QueryCanonicalNtDriveName(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QueryFileSystemName(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING *,long *,class WSTRING *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QueryFileSystemNameByHandle(void *,class WSTRING *,long *,class WSTRING *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QueryFreeDiskSpace(class WSTRING const *,class BIG_INT *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QueryNtfsVersion(unsigned char *,unsigned char *,class LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE *,void *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QueryProcessPrivateMemory(void *,unsigned __int64 *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QueryProcessorInformation(class DSTRING *,unsigned long *,unsigned __int64 *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QueryStorageAdapterProperty(void *,class DSTRING *,class DSTRING *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QueryStorageDeviceProperty(void *,class DSTRING *,class DSTRING *,class DSTRING *,unsigned char *,unsigned char *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QuerySystemMemory(unsigned long *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned __int64 *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QuerySystemVersion(class DSTRING *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::WriteToFile(class WSTRING const *,void *,unsigned long,unsigned char) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall SNAPSHOT::GetVolumeSnapshot(class WSTRING *,class SNAPSHOT * *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall SNAPSHOT::ReleaseVolumeSnapshot(class SNAPSHOT *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall VOL_LIODPDRV::QueryAutochkTimeOut(unsigned long *) |
public: static unsigned char __stdcall VOL_LIODPDRV::SetAutochkTimeOut(unsigned long) |
public: static unsigned long __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QueryPageSize(void) |
public: static unsigned long __stdcall SUPERAREA::ComputeVolId(unsigned long) |
public: static void __stdcall DRIVE_CACHE::GetPhaseSubPhase(unsigned short * *,unsigned short * *) |
public: static void __stdcall DRIVE_CACHE::SetPhaseSubPhase(unsigned short *,unsigned short *) |
public: static void __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::GetSystemTime(struct _TIME_FIELDS *) |
public: static void __stdcall IFS_SYSTEM::QueryNtfsTime(union _LARGE_INTEGER *) |
public: unsigned __int64 __thiscall BLOCK_CACHE::GetPerfFreq(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall BLOCK_CACHE::Initialize(class IO_DP_DRIVE *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall CANNED_SECURITY::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DIGRAPH::AddEdge(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DIGRAPH::EliminateCycles(class CONTAINER *,unsigned char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DIGRAPH::Initialize(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DIGRAPH::QueryChildren(unsigned long,class NUMBER_SET *)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DIGRAPH::QueryParents(unsigned long,class NUMBER_SET *)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DIGRAPH::QueryParentsWithChildren(class NUMBER_SET *,unsigned long)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DIGRAPH::RemoveEdge(unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DIGRAPH::SearchForMatch(unsigned long,class BITVECTOR *,class NUMBER_SET *,unsigned char *,class BIG_INT *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::CreateTrack(unsigned long,unsigned char,enum DP_DRIVE::NwaType) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,class MESSAGE *,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned short) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,class MESSAGE *,unsigned char,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::InitializePowTrackConfiguration(unsigned char,unsigned char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::IsATformat(void)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::IsUdfMediaWritable(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryDiscStatus(unsigned long *,unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryFirstBlockInLastNonEmptySession(unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryFirstBlockInLastSession(unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryFreeBlocksInLastTrack(unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryHighestTrackAddress(unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryHotPlugInfo(void)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryLastRecordedAddress(unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryLastWritableAddress(unsigned long *,enum DP_DRIVE::NwaType) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryMediaByte(void)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryNextWritableAddress(unsigned long *,enum DP_DRIVE::NwaType) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryOpenSessionBounds(unsigned long *,unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryRewritableMOSupport(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryUdfMediaHasPow(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryUdfMediaNeedsLowLevelFormat(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryUdfMediaNeedsSparing(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryUdfMediaNeedsVat(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryUdfMediaSupportsBackgroundFormat(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryUdfMediaSupportsQuickGrow(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryVolumeBounds(unsigned long *,unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::ReadFormattableCapacity(unsigned char,unsigned long *,unsigned char *,unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::ReinitializeDriveParameters(class MESSAGE *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::ReinitiateBackgroundFormat(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::SendPowLowLevelFormat(class MESSAGE *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::SendSonyMSFormatCmd(unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::SendSonyMSInquiryCmd(struct SONY_MS_INQUIRY_DATA *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::SendSonyMSModeSenseCmd(struct SONY_MS_MODE_SENSE_DATA *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::SendSonyMSRequestSenseCmd(struct _SENSE_DATA *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::SendSonyMSTestUnitReadyCmd(struct _SENSE_DATA *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::SetPowTrackConfiguration(unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::WaitForUnit(class MESSAGE *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall DP_DRIVE::WaitForWriteCompletion(class MESSAGE *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FORMAT_SQM::Export(int) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall FORMAT_SQM::Initialize(class DP_DRIVE *,unsigned short const *,unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall INTSTACK::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall INTSTACK::Push(class BIG_INT) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall INTSTACK::ReverseCopy(class INTSTACK *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::DismountAndLock(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::FlushCache(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::HardRead(class BIG_INT,unsigned long,void *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::HardWrite(class BIG_INT,unsigned long,void *,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::InvalidateVolume(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::IssueDeleteNotification(unsigned __int64,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::Lock(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::PowForceAllocation(unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long *,enum DP_DRIVE::NwaType) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::Prefetch(class BIG_INT,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::Read(class BIG_INT,unsigned long,void *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::SqmExport(class WSTRING const *,unsigned char (__cdecl*)(void *,unsigned long,unsigned char,char *,...),void *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::Verify(class BIG_INT,class BIG_INT) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::Verify(class BIG_INT,class BIG_INT,class NUMBER_SET *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::Write(class BIG_INT,unsigned long,void *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,class MESSAGE *,unsigned char,unsigned short) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,class MESSAGE *,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE::Read(class BIG_INT,unsigned long,void *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE::SetSystemId(unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE::Write(class BIG_INT,unsigned long,void *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MOUNT_POINT_MAP::AddDriveName(class WSTRING *,class WSTRING *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MOUNT_POINT_MAP::AddVolumeName(class WSTRING *,class WSTRING *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MOUNT_POINT_MAP::GetAt(unsigned long,class WSTRING *,class WSTRING *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MOUNT_POINT_MAP::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MOUNT_POINT_MAP::QueryDriveName(class WSTRING *,class WSTRING *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall MOUNT_POINT_MAP::QueryVolumeName(class WSTRING *,class WSTRING *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::Add(class BIG_INT) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::Add(class BIG_INT,class BIG_INT) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::Add(class NUMBER_SET const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::AddNext(class BIG_INT) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::AddStart(class BIG_INT) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::CheckAndAdd(class BIG_INT,unsigned char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::CheckAndRemove(class BIG_INT,unsigned char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::DoesIntersectSet(class BIG_INT,class BIG_INT)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::QueryContainingRange(class BIG_INT,class BIG_INT *,class BIG_INT *)const |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::Remove(class BIG_INT) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::Remove(class BIG_INT,class BIG_INT) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::Remove(class NUMBER_SET const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall NUMBER_SET::RemoveAll(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall POW_CACHE::Initialize(class IO_DP_DRIVE *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall POW_CACHE::Initialize(unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall READ_AHEAD_CACHE::Initialize(class IO_DP_DRIVE *,unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall READ_CACHE::Initialize(class IO_DP_DRIVE *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall READ_MODIFY_WRITE_CACHE::Initialize(class IO_DP_DRIVE *,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned char,unsigned char) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall READ_WRITE_CACHE::Initialize(class IO_DP_DRIVE *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SECRUN::Initialize(class MEM *,class IO_DP_DRIVE *,class BIG_INT,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SNAPSHOT::CheckSnapshotPresence(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SPARSE_SET::Add(class BIG_INT) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SPARSE_SET::Add(class SPARSE_SET const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SPARSE_SET::Check(class BIG_INT) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SPARSE_SET::CheckAndAdd(class BIG_INT,unsigned char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SPARSE_SET::CheckAndRemove(class BIG_INT,unsigned char *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SPARSE_SET::Initialize(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall SPARSE_SET::RemoveAll(void) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall TLINK::Initialize(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::ChkDsk(enum FIX_LEVEL,class MESSAGE *,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned short,unsigned long *,class WSTRING const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::ForceAutochk(unsigned char,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned short,class WSTRING const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::Recover(class WSTRING const *,class MESSAGE *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::SetFileSystemName(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::SetVolumeLabelAndPrintFormatReport(class WSTRING const *,class MESSAGE *) |
public: unsigned char __thiscall WRITE_ONCE_CACHE::Initialize(class IO_DP_DRIVE *,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall DIGRAPH::QueryNumChildren(unsigned long)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall DIGRAPH::QueryNumParents(unsigned long)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryPhysicalSectorSize(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryUdfMediaType(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall POW_CACHE::QuerySectorSize(void) |
public: unsigned short * __thiscall SNAPSHOT::GetSnapshotGlobalDeviceName(void) |
public: unsigned short * __thiscall SNAPSHOT::GetSnapshotNtDeviceName(void) |
public: unsigned short __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryEccBlockSizeInSectors(void) |
public: unsigned short __thiscall TLINK::QueryMemberCount(void)const |
public: unsigned short __thiscall TLINK::QuerySize(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::GetFileSystemName(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall BLOCK_CACHE::~BLOCK_CACHE(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall CANNED_SECURITY::~CANNED_SECURITY(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall DIGRAPH::~DIGRAPH(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall DP_DRIVE::~DP_DRIVE(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall INTSTACK::~INTSTACK(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE::~LOG_IO_DP_DRIVE(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall MOUNT_POINT_MAP::~MOUNT_POINT_MAP(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NUMBER_SET::~NUMBER_SET(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall SECRUN::~SECRUN(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall SPARSE_SET::~SPARSE_SET(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall SUPERAREA::~SUPERAREA(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall TLINK::~TLINK(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::~VOL_LIODPDRV(void) |
public: virtual class BIG_INT __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QuerySectors(void)const |
public: virtual enum FORMAT_ERROR_CODE __thiscall VOL_LIODPDRV::WriteEntireDrive(class MESSAGE *,void *,unsigned long,unsigned int,unsigned int) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall BLOCK_CACHE::SqmExport(unsigned char (__cdecl*)(void *,unsigned long,unsigned char,char *,...),void *) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall SECRUN::Read(void) |
public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall SECRUN::Write(void) |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QuerySectorSize(void)const |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryWriteBlockSize(void)const |
public: virtual void __thiscall BLOCK_CACHE::AdjustCacheSize(__int64) |
public: virtual void __thiscall BLOCK_CACHE::QueryCacheSize(unsigned __int64 *) |
public: void * __thiscall CANNED_SECURITY::GetCannedSecurityDescriptor(enum _CANNED_SECURITY_TYPE,unsigned long *) |
public: void * __thiscall DP_DRIVE::QueryDriveHandle(void)const |
public: void * __thiscall TLINK::GetBuffer(void *) |
public: void * __thiscall TLINK::GetFirst(void) |
public: void * __thiscall TLINK::GetNext(void *) |
public: void * __thiscall TLINK::GetSortedFirst(void) |
public: void * __thiscall TLINK::GetSortedNext(void *) |
public: void * __thiscall TLINK::QueryDisjointRangeAndAssignBuffer(class BIG_INT *,unsigned short *,unsigned short *,void *,unsigned long,void *) |
public: void __thiscall BIG_INT::QueryCompressedInteger(unsigned char *,unsigned char *)const |
public: void __thiscall BIG_INT::Set(unsigned char,unsigned char const *) |
public: void __thiscall DP_DRIVE::CloseDriveHandle(void) |
public: void __thiscall DP_DRIVE::SetLastStatus(long) |
public: void __thiscall DP_DRIVE::SetSectors(class BIG_INT) |
public: void __thiscall INTSTACK::Pop(unsigned long) |
public: void __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::AdjustCacheSize(__int64) |
public: void __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::QueryCacheSize(unsigned __int64 *) |
public: void __thiscall IO_DP_DRIVE::SetCache(class DRIVE_CACHE *) |
public: void __thiscall MEDIA_TRACK_INFORMATION::Initialize(struct _TRACK_INFORMATION2 *) |
public: void __thiscall NUMBER_SET::QueryDisjointRange(unsigned long,class BIG_INT *,class BIG_INT *)const |
public: void __thiscall SPARSE_SET::DumpHashTable(void) |
public: void __thiscall TLINK::ShellSort(void) |
public: void __thiscall TLINK::Sort(void) |
unsigned char __stdcall GetDefaultFileSystemIfs(struct FMIFS_DEF_FS_PARAM *,struct FMIFS_DEF_FS_OUT *,unsigned long *) |
unsigned char __stdcall InvalidateFve(class DSTRING *,class MESSAGE *,struct _FORMATEX_FN_PARAM *) |
unsigned char __stdcall RegisterExtensionCallbacks(struct _CALLBACK_REGISTRATION *) |
void __stdcall NotifyFveAfterFormat(class DSTRING *) |
void __stdcall RestoreThreadExecutionState(long,unsigned long) |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- msvcrt.dll:
_XcptFilter _amsg_exit _except_handler4_common _initterm _local_unwind4 _purecall _vsnprintf _wcsicmp _wgetenv free malloc memcpy memmove memset swscanf - KERNEL32.dll:
CloseHandle CreateEventA CreateFileW DebugBreak DeviceIoControl DisableThreadLibraryCalls ExitProcess FreeLibrary GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThread GetCurrentThreadId GetDiskFreeSpaceW GetFileAttributesW GetLastError GetOverlappedResult GetProcAddress GetSystemDirectoryW GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetTickCount InterlockedCompareExchange InterlockedDecrement InterlockedExchange LoadLibraryW LocalAlloc LocalFree QueryPerformanceCounter ReadFile SetConsoleCtrlHandler SetErrorMode SetLastError SetUnhandledExceptionFilter Sleep TerminateProcess UnhandledExceptionFilter VirtualAlloc VirtualFree lstrlenW ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection ntdll!RtlLeaveCriticalSection ntdll!VerSetConditionMask - ulib.dll:
class MACHINE MachinePlatform protected: __thiscall OBJECT::OBJECT(void) protected: void __thiscall OBJECT::Construct(void) protected: void __thiscall OBJECT::SetClassDescriptor(class CLASS_DESCRIPTOR const *) public: __thiscall ARRAY::ARRAY(void) public: __thiscall BITVECTOR::BITVECTOR(void) public: __thiscall CLASS_DESCRIPTOR::CLASS_DESCRIPTOR(void) public: __thiscall CONT_MEM::CONT_MEM(void) public: __thiscall DSTRING::DSTRING(void) public: __thiscall HMEM::HMEM(void) public: __thiscall LIST::LIST(void) public: __thiscall MEM_ALLOCATOR::MEM_ALLOCATOR(void) public: __thiscall MEM_BLOCK_MGR::MEM_BLOCK_MGR(void) public: __thiscall MESSAGE::MESSAGE(void) public: __thiscall PATH::PATH(void) public: class WSTRING * __thiscall ARGUMENT::GetLexeme(void) public: class WSTRING * __thiscall ARGUMENT::GetLexeme(void) public: class WSTRING * __thiscall WSTRING::Strupr(void) public: enum PATH_ANALYZE_CODE __thiscall PATH::AnalyzePath(class WSTRING *,class PATH *,class WSTRING *) public: long __thiscall WSTRING::Stricmp(class WSTRING const *)const public: long __thiscall WSTRING::Stricmp(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long)const public: static class OBJECT * __stdcall ARRAY::GetCompareArgument(void *) public: static int (__stdcall*__stdcall SYSTEM::QueryLibraryEntryPoint(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,void * *))(void) public: static int __stdcall WSTRING::Stricmp(unsigned short *,unsigned short *) public: static unsigned __int64 __stdcall MESSAGE::MakeFileToken(char const *) public: static void __stdcall SYSTEM::FreeLibraryHandle(void *) public: unsigned char __cdecl MESSAGE::Display(char const *,...) public: unsigned char __cdecl MESSAGE::DisplayMsg(unsigned long,char const *,...) public: unsigned char __cdecl MESSAGE::DisplayMsg(unsigned long,enum MESSAGE_TYPE,unsigned long,char const *,...) public: unsigned char __cdecl MESSAGE::LogMsg(unsigned long,char const *,...) public: unsigned char __thiscall ARRAY::Initialize(unsigned long,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall ARRAY::Insert(class OBJECT *,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall BITVECTOR::Initialize(unsigned long,enum BIT,unsigned long *) public: unsigned char __thiscall BSTRING::Initialize(void) public: unsigned char __thiscall CLASS_DESCRIPTOR::Initialize(void) public: unsigned char __thiscall CONT_MEM::Initialize(void *,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall HMEM::Initialize(void) public: unsigned char __thiscall HMEM::Resize(unsigned long,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall LIST::Initialize(void) public: unsigned char __thiscall LIST::Insert(class OBJECT *,class ITERATOR *) public: unsigned char __thiscall MACHINE::Initialize(void) public: unsigned char __thiscall MACHINE::IsFMR(void) public: unsigned char __thiscall MEM_ALLOCATOR::Initialize(unsigned __int64,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall MEM_BLOCK_MGR::Initialize(unsigned long,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::DisplayMsg(unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::DisplayMsg(unsigned long,enum MESSAGE_TYPE,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall MESSAGE::Initialize(void) public: unsigned char __thiscall PATH::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,unsigned char) public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Initialize(char const *,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Initialize(unsigned short const *,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::InsertString(unsigned long,class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Replace(unsigned long,unsigned long,class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,unsigned long) public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Strcat(class WSTRING const *) public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::Strcat(unsigned short const *) public: unsigned char __thiscall WSTRING::operator==(class WSTRING const &)const public: unsigned long __thiscall WSTRING::Strstr(class WSTRING const *)const public: unsigned short * __thiscall WSTRING::QueryWSTR(unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned short *,unsigned long,unsigned char)const public: unsigned short __thiscall WSTRING::QueryChAt(unsigned long)const public: unsigned short const * __thiscall WSTRING::GetWSTR(void)const public: virtual __thiscall ARRAY::~ARRAY(void) public: virtual __thiscall BITVECTOR::~BITVECTOR(void) public: virtual __thiscall DSTRING::~DSTRING(void) public: virtual __thiscall HMEM::~HMEM(void) public: virtual __thiscall LIST::~LIST(void) public: virtual __thiscall MEM_ALLOCATOR::~MEM_ALLOCATOR(void) public: virtual __thiscall MEM_BLOCK_MGR::~MEM_BLOCK_MGR(void) public: virtual __thiscall MESSAGE::~MESSAGE(void) public: virtual __thiscall OBJECT::~OBJECT(void) public: virtual __thiscall PATH::~PATH(void) public: virtual class OBJECT * __thiscall ARRAY::GetAt(unsigned long)const public: virtual long __thiscall OBJECT::Compare(class OBJECT const *)const public: virtual unsigned char __cdecl DSTRING::SPrintf(unsigned short const *,...) public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall ARRAY::Put(class OBJECT *) public: virtual unsigned char __thiscall ARRAY::Sort(int (__cdecl*)(void *,void *)) public: virtual void * __thiscall HMEM::Acquire(unsigned long,unsigned long) public: void * __thiscall MEM_ALLOCATOR::Allocate(unsigned long) public: void * __thiscall MEM_BLOCK_MGR::Alloc(void) void * __stdcall UlibRealloc(void *,unsigned long) - ADVAPI32.dll:
AdjustTokenPrivileges CheckTokenMembership DuplicateTokenEx OpenProcessToken OpenThreadToken SetThreadToken ntdll!EtwGetTraceEnableFlags ntdll!EtwGetTraceEnableLevel ntdll!EtwGetTraceLoggerHandle ntdll!EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW ntdll!EtwTraceMessage ntdll!EtwUnregisterTraceGuids - CFGMGR32.dll:
CM_Get_DevNode_Custom_PropertyW CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_ExW CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size_ExW CM_Get_Parent_Ex - SETUPAPI.dll:
SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceW - ntdll.dll:
NtAllocateVirtualMemory NtClose NtCreateEvent NtCreateFile NtDelayExecution NtDeviceIoControlFile NtFreeVirtualMemory NtFsControlFile NtOpenFile NtOpenProcessToken NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject NtQueryInformationFile NtQueryInformationProcess NtQueryPerformanceCounter NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject NtQuerySystemInformation NtQuerySystemTime NtQueryVolumeInformationFile NtReadFile NtResetEvent NtSetEvent NtSetInformationFile NtSetThreadExecutionState NtSetVolumeInformationFile NtWaitForSingleObject NtWriteFile RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive RtlAddAccessAllowedAce RtlAddAce RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid RtlAllocateHeap RtlClearBits RtlCompareMemory RtlCopySid RtlCreateAcl RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor RtlDeleteElementGenericTable RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying RtlFindSetBits RtlFreeAnsiString RtlFreeHeap RtlGetVersion RtlInitUnicodeString RtlInitializeBitMap RtlInitializeConditionVariable RtlInitializeGenericTable RtlInitializeSid RtlInsertElementGenericTable RtlLengthRequiredSid RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor RtlLengthSid RtlLookupElementGenericTable RtlNewSecurityObject RtlNtStatusToDosError RtlNumberOfSetBits RtlQueryInformationAcl RtlQueryRegistryValues RtlRaiseStatus RtlRandomEx RtlReleaseSRWLockExclusive RtlSetBits RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor RtlSubAuthoritySid RtlTimeToTimeFields RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor RtlValidSecurityDescriptor RtlVerifyVersionInfo RtlWriteRegistryValue WinSqmEndSession WinSqmSetDWORD WinSqmSetDWORD64 WinSqmSetString WinSqmStartSession